SINCE 2013
The objective of the LKYSPP Singapore Orientation Portal is to provide new overseas students (and staff) of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy a “one-stop-shop” to:
Get an immediate visual “look and feel” of the environment of the LKYSPP and the main campus lodging, College Green;
Get a basic understanding of the administrative requirements of student life and how and where to get started; and
Have an idea of the interesting things to do and places to go in Singapore in their leisure time.
This online portal will be the electronic complement to both the hard-copy students’ handbook currently distributed to students on arrival in Singapore. As a start, it incorporates a short orientation video which every prospective student should watch as a preliminary to exploring the Portal.
Tho portal concept is aimed at being visual; easy to navigate; and informative. It is therefore highly pictoral in nature and largely limited to:
Photos of the location
Link to its "Singapore Street Directory Online Maps" location;
How to get there from LKYSPP or College Green by MRT station or bus line;
Short informative remarks on the location: especially if it is close to some other item mentioned.

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy,
National University of Singapore